
2023-05-01 10:24:03    来源:互联网    



英语作文以a special day为题80词带翻译


a special dayMy Special Winter HolidayI had a special winter holiday this year.morning,after I had my breakfast,I went to the classroom to have my lessons.This classroom was different from ours.You didn’t have a fixed seat.I went there late,I had to sit in the last row.I couldn’t hear the teacher well and see clearly.In the afternoon,we went to computer classrooms to do our homework.Sometimes,the homework was very difficult.We may work out nothing more,but after a while,when I thought why I went here,I would do my homework again.in the evening,we had a test.I felt a little nervous.After three hours,the test wa finished.I went out of the computer classroom with a smile.On my way home,I said to myself,“What a great day!”中文翻译:特别的一天给你我特别的寒假我有一个特殊的寒假今年.早晨,我吃过早餐后,我去了教室有功课.这个教室是与我们的不同.你没有一个固定的座位.我到那里去晚了,我只好坐在最后一排.我没听到老师好,看得清楚一些.下午,我们去了电脑教室做家庭作业.有时,这些家庭作业是非常困难的.我们可以制定仅此而已,但是过了一段时间之后,我想,为什么我就在这里,我将做我的家庭作业了.在傍晚,我们有一个测试.我感到有点紧张.三小时后,测试佤族完成.我走出电脑教室一个微笑.在我回家的路上,我对自己说:“多么美好的一天!”




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